Sunday, December 12, 2004

My Researches

I am currently working on two projects for the journal called "Ongaku Bunka no Sozo," or "The Creation of Musical Culture," published quarterly for those who are interested in life-long music education (extension schools etc.) or musical administration in non-cosmopolitan areas.

The first project is a survey of music festivals in various places in Japan. I am especially interested in small music festivals than so-called "international festivals." There used to be many of these international ones, when the financial situation in Japan was better, bringing world-famous musicians to rural areas. Now in the midst of the long-time depression, publich offices, which started many "international music festivals," have to change the nature of their local music festivals. As most of them no longer can afford royalties to world-renown artists, some music festivals turns into their local talents, most of them amateurs.

The second project is a survey on various musical competitions that can be used as a tool for life-long education. Usually, competitions are designed for youths who are looking for professional careers. Therefore, the applicants are limited to the young musicians (and most of them are students of music schools). However, there are some competitions open for older people. For example, San-in Guiter Festival has a "Senior" entry, elligible for 40 years old or older. There is also competitions, open for all ages.

Anyway, I began sending faxes and calling various state offices and administrators of music festifvals and competitions. It's going to be fun.